The Community Connector > Directory > Friends Together Peer Support and Recovery Center

Friends Together Peer Support and Recovery Center

Address:  31 Park Street
PO Box 264
Livermore Falls, ME 04254
Phone:  (207) 897-1010
E-mail:  [email protected]
Contact:  Marge Grant or Cindy Hebert
Clients:  Adults who live with a mental illness or other life challenge
Services:  Friends Together provides a respectful and nurturing community where members are encouraged to participate in experiences which enhance innate abilities, promote recovery and instill self-worth. The Center offers socialization; provides educational tools such as computer lessons, nutrition and cooking, music therapy classes, instruction in craft-making and budget assistance. Excursions, picnics, swimming, cookouts, holiday dinners, gardening, bingo, pokeno, skip-bo and other activities as appropriate are also offered.
Hours:  Tuesday thru Friday noon-4 p.m.

Lunch is available 1 to 2 times on Wednesdays for a donation

Healthy Community Coalition

Founded in 1989, Healthy Community Coalition (HCC) is an affiliate of the Franklin Community Health Network with a mission of promoting health and well-being in Franklin County and neighboring towns, including Livermore Falls.